Manage Workflow Submissions



Go to the workflow section and click on the workflow. You will be able to see all the submissions related to it. Use the Play button on the top right to define a time range, filtering the submissions displayed. Use the download button to view in Excel or CSV format the details of the submission, the metadata, and answers.

View a submission

Go to the workflows section in the menu. Select the workflow for which you want to see the submissions and click on it. Select and apply the dates for which you want to display the submissions, and you will see the list of submissions for the time range selected, in compact view.

In the expanded view, you can be able to see both the workflow metadata and the questions and answers filled. To view your submissions in expanded view, click on the MORE button. The submission will then be displayed in the expanded view as shown below. The matrix values are differentiated by the attribute defined as a category for the matrix.

Delete a submission

From the web app, it is possible to delete a submission by clicking on the delete icon. This action will have the following consequences:

  • remove the submission from the log and submission table

  • if it is a task, don’t remove the generator. If it's a generator, remove the task


Download workflow submissions

Go to the Workflow section, select the workflow. Click on the Play arrow, select and the dates for which you want to get the submissions. You will then obtain the results in csv and Excel format by clicking on the download icon/arrow.

How to write a custom query to display the submissions

Go to the Client profile and click on the section ‘Workflow query’. The SQL query has to return at least the columns _id and _completed_at.

It also has to refer to the workflow id using $param1$ instead of the workflow id.

You can use $param1$ in two ways:

  • in the FROM statement

    FROM w_$param1$

  • as a filter

    CASE WHEN workflow_id='$param1$' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as test_var

There is a limit to fetch maximum 100 submissions. In order to have an optimal experience, use the same date filter as in the dashboards: $date_filter:date_field$ replacing date_field by the name of the field.
For example : $date_filter:_completed_at$